Time: 20 min.



                 Sources used in Pearl Harbor lesson



Define reliable sources as sources that are accurate, or more likely to be accurate.  Define valid sources as sources that have a direct connection or application to the topic.

Pass out copies of the sources used in the Pearl Harbor lesson.  For the videos, have students review the content of each.  Have students group the sources into primary and secondary sources.

Next, break students up into groups.  Have each group order the sources from most reliable to least reliable and then most valid to least valid.  once groups have completed the exercise, have a representative from the group post their rankings.  as a group, discuss the similarities and differences between the lists.  have groups explain their rankings if there are any major discrepencies.


Ask if the students see any patterns between the rankings and the types of sources (primary or secondary).


Assessment: Exit Ticket

Explain the difference between reliability and validity.


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