Time: 1 hour



       Propaganda Images

       Anti-Japanese Sign Photos

       Article 9066



1.       Propaganda (whole group activity)         

                                 i.            Show Images of Propaganda

                                                         i.            What is the message portrayed in the poster?

                                                       ii.            What emotions or fears are being targeted?

                                     ii.      Why do you think people believed what they were being told by the posters?

2.       Anti-Japanese Signs (small group activity)

a.       Show Pictures of Signs

                                                         i.            What is the general premise (define vocabulary word) of the different signs?

                                                       ii.            What relationship, if any, do you think there is between the propaganda and the signs?

3.       Article 9066 (whole group activity)

                                 i.            After reading the article as a group, discuss the reasons for President Roosevelt had for signing the article.  Open up a debate on whether or not F.D.R. was justified in his decision.  Make points for both sides: ex. you cannot assume someone is dangerous just because of their heritage; it is better to inconvenience a minority in order to protect the majority. ( you will revisit this exercise at the end of the unit)



Short Answer Exit Ticket- How did fear impact the creation of Japanese Internment Camps in the United States during WWII?

Transcript of Executive Order 9066.pdf Transcript of Executive Order 9066.pdf
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