America Enters the War

Time: 30 min.

Materials:  Timeline

Computer with Internet Access



Play video clip of proclamation of war: Instruct students to listen and take notes on the important facts from the clip.  Replay the clip a second time.  Ask students the date of the attack on Pearl Harbor.  Ask them who President  Roosevelt was addressing.  Finally ask them what the purpose of the address was.

Inform students that the clip they listened to was President Roosevelt's address to Congress to declare war on Japan, made the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Ask students if they believe it was right to declare war on Japan.  Have them explain why.

Next, review as a group the timeline from the lesson on Conflicts Abroad.  Pose the question, why do you think the United States waited so long to enter the war when so many other countries, including Canada, had already done so?  Have the students brainstorm possible answers to the question and write them on the board.


Journal Entry-  Do you think the United States waited too long to enter WWII?  Why or why not?


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