Time: 1 hour



                Television or Projector

                DVD Player

                PBS Video P.O.V. Of Civil Wrongs and Rights

                To Undo a Mistake is Always Harder than Not to Create One Originally, By Eleanor Roosevelt

                Excerpt from Farwell to Manzanar



1.      The Fred Korematsu Story- Whole Group Activity

a.       Show PBS Video P.O.V. Of Civil Wrongs and Rights to the group.  As a group, discuss the following:

                                                               i.      Were the Civil Rights of Japanese Americans taken away when they were forced to live in internment camps?

                                                             ii.      If yes, which ones?

                                                            iii.      Why do you think the Supreme Court originally ruled against Korematsu?

2.       Read To Undo a Mistake is Always Harder than Not to Create One Originally, By Eleanor Roosevelt -Small Group Activity

a.    Have groups read the exceprt together and highlight areas the contain the "big ideas."  Then have them work together to answer the following:

              i.   What is the mistake Mrs. Roosevelt is referring to?

             ii.   Why do you think she believed it was a mistake?

            iii.   What do you think she means by “to undo a mistake is always harder than not to create one originally?”

3.       Read Excerpt from Farwell to Manzanar- Individual Response

a.   Read the excerpt as a group.  Allow students to ask any questions they have about vocabulary, etc.  Then have students respond individually to the following:

             i.   What is the overall tone of the piece?

            ii.      How do you think the author feels about what happened to her and her family?

           iii.      How does this relate to the article by Eleanor Roosevelt?


Eleannor Roosevelt essay.pdf Eleannor Roosevelt essay.pdf
Size : 155.419 Kb
Type : pdf
Excerpts from Farewell to Manzanar.pdf Excerpts from Farewell to Manzanar.pdf
Size : 23.932 Kb
Type : pdf

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