Time: 45 min.



                 Newspaper Articles


                 Map of Internment Camps

                 Table with Relocation Information


1.       Newspaper Articles (small group, each group gets different article and shares info.)

a.       What was the general tone of the article?

b.      What information was given?

c.       What information was not given?

d.      What effect would the article have on the people who read it?

2.       Photographs of Internment Process (whole group activity)

a.   What is your first impression of the photographs?

b.   How do you think the people in the photographs felt?

c.   What makes you think that?

3.       Map of Internment Camps and Table (whole group activity)

a.       Where were the camps located?

b.      How many people were at each camp?

c.       Where did the people at each camp live before they were interned?



Journal Reflection-       When you watch the news or read a newspaper article do you question the information given?  Why or why not?  Do you think what you hear or read effects the way you feel about the topic?


Japaneses Internment Articles.pdf Japaneses Internment Articles.pdf
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